Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Polar Plunge #2

Well for the second year in a row Dave participated in the Oregon Polar Plunge which is a huge fundraiser for the Special Olympics. This year they raised over $130,000!! That is pretty amazing. People can get crazy when given an opportunity to strip and jump in freezing cold water. And it was freezing! The weather outside of the water was 40 degrees and rainy, so I can only imagine how nice and chilly the water was. You kind of had an idea when you saw people's faces as they jumped in the water. Poor Dave (who never gets cold) was shivering for most of the day! He wasn't feeling brave enough this year to do the speedo thing (disappointing). But he did wear his beautiful mustache that he has been growing for a couple of weeks! So that at least kept his upper lip warm.
It was definitely another interesting year of crazy people dressing up. Although I will say I was a little disappointed when I didn't see any men running around in their thongs like I did last year. With everything else frozen I guess they didn't want to freeze the dimples on their bums too.
Dave did a great job of raising money this year. He ended up raising $310.00!! I was very proud of him. Thanks to all of those who donated money. It definitely went to a great cause!

It ended up being a very busy day yesterday going from one activity to the next. Right after the plunge we had to race home and get ready to go to the temple with Dave's family. (I think it will be the last time I get to the temple before I have this baby). Just a bit uncomfortable...Then after the temple we went to dinner with his siblings and had a great time, as we always do. Then from there we had to go and get cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and buy Legos from the Lego Store. To top off the evening, I went to a girl's night out party at my friend Sofie's house, which was great. It is so nice to have some girl time! I think all mom's need it once in a while.
After our busy day yesterday, it didn't get any less busy today. I mean it's Sunday and Sunday's for both Dave and me are always very busy. Primary Singing time always takes soooooo much energy (especially in Jr. Primary) and already being in short supply of energy, today pretty much deflated me completely! I love being the Primary Music Chorister, but I won't lie, it is a very hard calling for me, and takes A LOT of preparation. Of course Dave is always busy over in YM's too so by the time we got back from church I was so drained, I came home and took a 3 hour nap!! Ahhhh but it was nice! I am still very tired though because I did sleep so long.
It's weird to think that as of tomorrow I can say that I will be having a baby next month....weird! I just hope she is half as good a baby and kid that Sam is. We really lucked out with her. I hear stories from friends of cholicy babies, crying for hours on end, and I think "I don't remember Sam ever being like that." So we will see how this next little girl turns out.


  1., I'm a bad sister-in-law. I got Dave's emails to donate and completely forgot! Can I still do it under his name somewhere? Tell him good job, but the donation will take a hit with no speedo...

  2. Hahaha, this was sooo cute! Too bad he couldn't wear his speedo. I'm sure he can find other places to wear it (wink wink). Katie.... I LOVE YOU! I am going to call you as soon as I have more than ten seconds a day to myself!



About Me

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Dave and I have been married four years and live in Portland, Oregon where Dave works downtown for Bank of the West. We have a little girl Samantha who is a fun-loving 1 year old!