We had such a great Superbowl Weekend in Sunriver!
We drove down to Central Oregon this last weekend with our great friends the Montgomery's and Cinquinni's to spend the weekend at a rented house hanging out and watching the Superbowl! Emily and I left Friday mid-morning and drove about an hour and a half to get to a little restaurant off the road called The Gingerbread House, one of those novelty places that many a Salemite stops at on a trip to central Oregon. We filled ourselves with bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and delicious milkshakes. The drive there was beautiful, with sun the whole weekend so we didn't have to deal with any severe weather. Our van was stuffed to the gills, with one of the sleds practically on top of the girls. We had to fill 2 cars with 3 families' worth of stuff, that included 4 girls, and 1 baby boy! But we did it, and we made it all in one piece. The house we stayed at was great with the main room as a big open floor plan suited for a lot of people. The sectional couch was great but you had to sit right in the middle of the cushion, otherwise you would hit your bum on a board that divided each seat. The first night we took the girls out to the hot tub where they got to play and get all their energy out, and then put them to bed. Afterward Emily and I got to relax and watch a girl movie before the boys showed up, which they did with Janell and baby Corbin around 10:30 or so.
Saturday was fun because we drove close to Mt. Bachelor to go sledding with all of the kids! This was the first time we have ever gone sledding with our kiddos, we just never get much snow in Oregon, so I was really excited about it. It was a really sunny day and we found a perfect hill for sledding. There were quite a few people there who had the same idea as us, but we found a good spot. We had to sleds and a tube. Unfortunately the tube didn't last too long but was good while it lasted because it didn't speed down the hill like the sled did. I forgot how treacherous sledding can really be. That thing got going pretty fast and we saw a man, a pregnant lady, and a man with a baby all wipe out on it. I thought Janell might have had a hard attack watching Tom come down the hill with baby Corbin. Luckily he was strong enough to take the hit himself. Janell was quick to get the baby out of his arms once he got down the hill! It really was fun going and the girls definitely had a good time.
The rest of the night we spent in the hot tub, eating more food, relaxing, and playing the now infamous game of Monopoly the card game! We spent many hours playing, yelling, and calling each other names from being attacked and properties being stolen. I THINK there are no hard feelings between any of us from playing that game together. I believe one of the nights we stayed up until 1:30 playing it.
On Sunday we walked around the Village area and did some Geocaching which the girls loved and we found 2 treasures! I had never done it before, but it provides some great, free entertainment! It was also good to go out on a walk to get some exercise after all the food we had been eating.
The rest of the day was spent watching the Superbowl and eating more food, and playing more games, it was wonderful!
On Monday we got packed and drove back, but first stopped in Sisters to eat lunch at another great little restaurant called Snow Cap for more burgers and fries, and a mammoth Oreo shake. We walked up and down the streets a bit to explore the town, and then drove the rest of the way home.
It was fun to spend time down there in a very beautiful part of Oregon, and hang out with great friends! Thanks for the fun!